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Hi, harini hari Jumaat. Saya sangat mencintai Jumaat. Kerana harini kan hari yang mulia (padahal suka sebab last sekolah). Saya memulakan hari dengan mandi, solat dan menunggu bas seperti biasa. Tiada yang berubah. Tapi harini saya rasa tak sedap perut lerr. Okay, Liyya kau mengada. Dalam bas makan Wheat Krunch. Biasanya, bila bas dah sampai dekat Selayang Jaya Wheat Krunch aku dah habis ni tak, sampai sekolah tinggal lagi sekeping. Aishh, well malam semalam aku memang sakit perut pungg. Tapi abaikan, aku nak belajar ni. Today, there are no row calls. 'cause of the weather, perhaps. Masuk kelas, semua stock melentok dekat meja. Bila tanya cakap kurang sihat lah, apalah. Lantak lerr. Okay, Add Maths time. Wahh, new topic you. Alhamdulillah, I can understand what teacher taught me just now. Well, good student *coughing. Hihihi, Maths! Oh Gosh, please make this teacher get out from the class earlier. Grrr, okay BM. Cikgu norliza wasn't around. But we've been asked to hand up the Komsas Modul. Unfortunately, I didn't bring it. Pity to Razinah, since I borrowed her modul. Sorry :/ Liyya seriously you're too much. Please don't be a lazy! Okay, shut up heart loser. Hahahaha, back to the topic. Rehat timeee. Weee, tapi ken I didn't eat at all. I don't know why. I don't feel like wanna eat something. I took a pieces of Wan's hot dog. Sedapnyewww. Hihihi, after we done our "breakfast" I accompanied Razinah and Wan to binding Razinah's folio. Lepas tu naik kelas. PK! Okay, I hate PK. Booo to the PK! Hihihihi, after PK we had Agama. Alolo, lupa lerr nak baca. And surely I forgot that Ustazah wanted to make quiz today. Tapi Alhamdulillah, our group get second place. Booo, okay stop Liyya. And the last subjects, Chemistry. Wee, today I sat at Wan's table. Even its quite crowded but I've too. Today teacher asked us to conduct our first PEKA. Okay sumpah tak suka sebab kena guna acid. Aishh, okay blahblahblah kelas habis. Since aku pung balik naik bas awam aku stay with the rest who wanted to stay to settle up the experiment. Okay, group kitorang gagal. 'cause the voltage wasn't true. Taknak salahkan sesiapa. Peace yaww. Bila sudah begitu cabut je lerr. Yes! Tudung aku kena acid tu. Eee, sial lah. Puii! Lepas tu cikgu asked me, Wan and Razinah to clean up the lab. Okay, hari Jumaat yang mulia kitorang pung buat. Last-2 cikgu bagi RM10 maaa. Ahahahaha, beli yong tau fu makan tiga orang. Aku suka yang ni. Honestly, I had such a great day today with them. Now, time for watching movieeeee. Boiiii korangg
