Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .


Okay, just now while bosan bosan. I visited this one guy's blog and I took this tag from there. Sebab dia tulis, siapa yang baca aku tag. So I read it, so and was tagged kan? Hahaha

1. If you are in relationship now, who's your boyfriend/girlfriend? if no, who's your crush?:
No, I'm not in a relationship and about crush, erm erm I don't know. Maybe none

2. Teacher (s) in your school you hate the most?:
Not to be rude, maybe none. But for sure I just really hate my ex teacher when I was in Primary School. My English teacher when I was standard 1. Seriously, hate her too much

3. Still virgin? *LoL what kind of question is this -..-*:
Hahaha, what do you think? Of course lah

4. Now, please imagine a person who will be your future husband/wife. what's his/her name?:
For sure I really want a guy who starts with Syed. Not the Syed (s) in my class or my school. Its any Syed. 'cause, my children gonna have heritage name.

5. How many children you want? How many boy (s) and/or girl (s)?:
I don't ask much, only two. One boy and one girl

6. What you'll say when you are proposing your crush?:
Err? I don't think that I'm gonna to propose somebody

7. Your favorite cartoon?:
Upin Ipin and Boboiboy

8. Do you love me?:
Yes i do very much.

9. Where will your marriage event take place?: '
At the park

10. Your ambition?:
Computer Engineer

11. Your biggest secret? LoL jkjk. Who's your best friend?:
Err, ZzZzZzZz

12. Do you often read my blog?
Nope, hihihi