Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .


So today I've to attend a competition that was organized by Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling Daerah Gombak at SMV Sungai Buloh. The name of the competition I don't remember actually. Hihihi, sorry. So I took part Membuat Blog Perkhidmatan Bimbingan dan Kauseling with Ameera. We just spent few days doing our blog. And it look too simple compare to the rest. And of course lah kitorang kalah if dah terlalu simple compared to the rest kan? Bagi kitorang, kalau kalah pun tak apa. Tapi nak tahu tak pemenang tempat ketiga tu buatkan kitorang rasa macam tak adil gila judges tu semua. Urghh, tension je. Nasib baik budak yang menang tu kacak. Hahaha, suka saya.
