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When I was Boring

I being so boring tonight. So I decided to have some tour on other's blog. And I found these questions. So I try this up

1.Weird things you do when you're alone?
Urmm, talking alone. Yeah, my favorite

2.How have you changed in the past two years?
Of course. A lot okay. From being such a strong girl now, I'm such fucking sensitive girl

3.What kind of person attracts you?
Someone that can sweep all the tears that drop on my cheeks, that can makes me calm when my tempered increases, that can always be by my side whenever I need him, that can keep his loyalty, that can be trusted and mostly that I believe can give true love.

4.What you wear to bed?
Ahaaa, kain batik with t-shirt or a long shirt bought from Jusco

5.The person you like and why you like them
I do like many people 'cause yeah teenager. But mostly, I'm waiting for him 'cause I've crush with him for about SIX damn years

6.Your opinion on cheating on people
Err, because I've cheated on people and my ex also do the same thing (almost them) so I know what its feel. Its kinda hurt, kinda dying. I tell you. Seriously, I can't accept any guys give reason to break off with cheating. I just like --' what the hell wrong with you guys haa? You don't have your zakar or what? Be gentle lah wei. So conclusion, I can't accept guy that cheated on me. But, if they say sorry I've to forgive them. 'cause we can't force their feeling right? Its their right. So let it go.

7.Something you're currently worrying about.
My future maybe, probably my next exam. F***!

8.Your last kiss
Err? I never kiss any boys yet so far. So no first kiss or last kiss

9.My views on drugs and alcohol
Never taste it at all. Touch it or whatever connected with it, nothing to do with me.

10.Your current relationship,if single discuss how single life is
I'm single. Yeah, its boring sometimes. 'cause we don't have any partner to shared the problem with. Friends? Of course they got their own business right? So let them. But its quite fun sometimes, 'cause I don't have to take care of any heart. Yeah, I don't have to worry what will my boyfriend says when I get closer with my male friends. So, its biasa biasa saja. Plus, I'm still schooling bro. So, I've so much time to wait for the true love.

11.Things you want to say to an ex
Okay firstly of course thanks for the memories, and thanks for give me better life now after you dump me. Hahaha, joking. I wish you get better life with better girl okay. So, have fun with your life.

12.A date you would love to go on
Bruno Mars. Hahaha

13.Something disgusting you do
Err, kentut depan orang? Sendawa depan orang?

14.The best thing happen to you this week
I got duit raya from my dad, and my siblings. The relatives, don't forget.

15.3 Things you are proud of about your personality
I don't know. Maybe I love to talk slamber with my friends and that makes them laughing. And I love to laugh even that not that funny.

16.Things that make you scared
Cat or animal like cat

17.Disrespecting parents
No comment bout this 'cause I'm not that matured to give opinion bout this

18.Something that never fails to make you feel better
Blog, diary, the latest one Buku Bogel Menuju Tuhan and Fynn Jamal vidoes

19.The last argument I had?
With my sister. 'cause she being so annoying

20.Something you cant seem to get over with
My past of course. I can't stop reminding how happy I was before I stuck with his love

21.Things you want to say to 5 different people

- Thanks for being so nice with me even sometime I'm being so annoying with the kegedikan. Thanks for all the luxurious you gave to me especially my parents. Even you couldn't give me a camera that I dream for, but it so alright. 'cause you've raised me with such pampered life. But, I just give you a failure on studies.

Friends - I know my nature so annoying to you guys but you being so patient with me. Thank you very much okay. I do appreciate every single things that you'd done for me even I don't show it. Surely, I want to say I love you no matter happen to us. Sorry for all the arguing, the fights and the jokes that hurt you. Whatever happen, each of you will be in my heart forever.

Him - Wei, I know its annoying when people keep asking you why I keep this feeling. But I just want you know I like you so much. If people says its not just a crush its love. So I'll say I love you. I never expected that I'll cry over you. And I do. I do cry 'cause I couldn't bear it anymore. This feel hurt me inside. Please, if you can't accept me just say no. I never asked you to accept me as your special one. But please, be honest to me okay?

Zahiril Adzim - Your book give me lot of inspire. Even I'm not done reading the book but you poems so adorable. Its give me lot of pengajaran okay.

Fynn Jamal - Your poems and videos so amazing. I couldn't say any words because you such a special girl. I wish that one day I'll meet you.

22.Your dreams
Be with the loves one, professional photographer
