Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .

I Do Appreciate You, Always Do

Maybe for you guys friends like water flowing in rivers. But for me, each person who came into my life and turn to my friends I'll always appreciate them because I know each from them have their own reason why the befriend with me and stick with me. Yeah, I admit friends come and go. When we happy, they'll stick with us but when we're trouble they'll go far away from us. I've that group of friends. But I got another group of friends that never do that to me. They help m whenever I need them. Even I didn't show how I appreciate them but trust me, deep in my heart I'll never forget their kindness. When I feel so gloomy with life they never failed to make me think there has so many reason why Allah give that such of life. When life put me under the pressure they never failed to make me think how I need to have in life.

Thirah, you've been the greatest friend ever. Thanks for never leave me. I really appreciate you. Please if someone try to talk bad about us, just ignore them. I knew you sincerely befriend with me. I just really wanna to thanks to you because be the kindest person I ever meet

Amin, I don't know why I love be one of your friends. I feel so cosy to share the problems with you. I really appreciate everything you've done. You've sacrifice a lot for me. Thanks Amin, let people say anything about you. Because they don't know how special you are.

Aida, I know I've been a jerk because I put a little revenge towards. But swear to God, I've threw away that stupid revenge and now, I'll never see you on bad side. I know if I want to befriend with you I need accept all the way you are right? And I really do right now. Thanks for helping me even you sometime don't have that leisure time to do that things right. By the way thanks for making that super cool header for my blog.

Ameera, thanks for everything. Even biologically you're younger than me, but you've thought me how to be a great person in life. You taught me how to be cool when problem come into my life. You never say n every single time when I need you.

Guys, I appreciate you guys and I always do. Just please don't leave me and stay believe me
