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Forgive Me and That's All I Need Right Now

Try to make up with you, but I don't know how to start. I don't know how to confess what I need to tell you. I don't know how to say sorry when the mistakes I did just way too huge for you. I don't know how to say that I miss our moment. I don't know how to say I can't live without you, without your advice, without your words, without your kindness and without everything about you. Now, I believe you're the only one I need to complete my life now. I know its too late for asking for apologize, but it better late than never right?

Dear friends, I wish I'll had one more time to be happy with you. I wish that I'll had one more chance to be one of you. The mistake I did is just way too huge and yeah what you said is true.

"If you're in our shoes you'll feel the same. Feel how humiliate we are and feel how this hate is grown up for you"

But you've ever said the other things to me.

"Everyone makes mistake, either it huge or tiny its all mistake. We're normal human being, never be a perfect. We need to forgive them, either its late or soon. I know, you're strong and you can accept them back"

I remember all the words you said. Seriously, what I've done to you, her and them is just too much. Now I realize how meaningful our friendship when I lost it. I miss us, and I really hope you'll forgive me
