Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .

Life Isn't Good

Yeah, my currently life isn't good. It didn't treat me well. I don't know why, how but I feel something hurting my heart. I've something that I keep inside my heart and I know that something would be keep by any other normal human being. I'm pretty sure that something couldn't be told and maybe couldn't be confessed. I've tried to express it out, but I still can't. I know if I want to do so, I need to let everything out. Not what I do right now. For everyone's sake, I keep it. When its burdened me too much, I tried to tell someone. But half from it. The rest, I still keep and it back like before.

My currently life went not like what I plan for. The homework, the school, the tuition, the people around me, the love, the miss and everything isn't in my plan. Frankly says, everything is ruin. Yeah, I know that its my fault too because I didn't make a schedule for my life that's why everything like running. I'm not good in that thing. How? Erghh, seriously everything is stressed me out
