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To My Future Husband

My title is something that I saw in trending column on my Twitter. Its really grab my attention till I tweet a lot about it. So I thought, why I just write everything that I think inside my brain on my blog kan? It might be mix language entry. Sorry for any wrong in this entry. So here we go.....

To My Future Husband ♥

I don't care who you are or where are you from. I don't care how old are you or how young you are. I don't care what you're doing or what are you earned for. As long everything you do is legal and will never trouble me. I don't care what car you use or what brand of shirts you love. I don't care about your family background. I don't care what people say about you. As long you try to be yourself. I know, I got the limit that had determined by my mum. So I really hope that you gonna be one of her favorite. I really can't wait for the moment when I first meet you. The moment I'll fall in love with you. The moment when my heart beats faster than it used to when I see you. The moment that I'll miss you when we're not meet or have a conversation for a day. The moment when I'll see all the man in front of me is you. The moment that I'll say my love words that I keep inside my heart because I keep it for you. The moment when you purpose me to be your wife. The moment when you put the ring on my finger on our wedding. The moment when I give everything for you. The moment when I greeting and kiss your hand when you go for work and back from work. The moment when I prepare the breakfast and dinner for you. The moment when we cook together. The moment when I tell you that I have your baby inside my womb. The moment when you jump with the Alhamdulillah words because we have our own child. The moment you touch my womb and talk to our baby. The moment when I see you holding my hand and ask me to be patient because I on my way to deliver our first child. The moment when you raise Adhan at our baby's ear. The moment when we spend our time to raise our baby together. The moment when you worry about my healthiness. The moment when you joke around. The moment when you ask for another baby. Seriously, I can't waiting all those moments. I knew, I dream a lot right? Hehehe, but I just want the best for us sayang. Since the day you're lawfully be my husband, I'll promise you something. I'll promise that I'll stay loyal with you through thick and thin. I'll wait for you through days and nights. I'll respect you as husband. I'll fulfill my responsibilities as a good wife. I'll take a really good care of our child. I'll never ever hurt your feeling. I'll give everything just for you. My heat, my soul and everything is for you. I just wish one thing from you, please accept me the way I am because I'm ready to accept the way you are. InsyaAllah, we'll meet soon. See you later sayang. I'll wait for you. Allah knows when the right time to unite us.

Sincerely from your future wife,
Nur Aliya Adiena binti Selamat