Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .

I Miss You

I counted each days. I'm waiting for you. Even I knew you wouldn't appear into my life ANY LONGER. But my heart strongly says that I should wait for you. Each night I think about us. About what we've had done together, the jokes you make because I sulking, the smile that I create because I think about you, the excited moment when you speak love words, everything about you and me. And you know that I wish we could have those moments once again. I've been promised to myself that I will treat you better than before and will change everything about me. I wish I could have once more time with you. I miss you so much. I never failed from think about you.

I pray for you everyday. Want to know what I pray?

"Ya Allah please avoid him from any disaster. Wherever he was, please protect him. Although I'm not a perfect human, but I hope that nothing will happen to him. Avoid him from any diseases. You heal all ailments he suffered. Help him to the path of you ya Allah. Maybe you didn't write him as a mate to me, so give him a better partner than me so he would be happy. Don't let him hurt. Thanks because You have let me live with him. And give me happiness with him even only temporarily. Amen"
