Assalamualaikum, welcome to my site, so behave yourself okay? .

Hi, GoodBye

Hi, it quite long since the last update. Sorry for being so busy and forget this site which always beside me. I'm currently in depressed. Yeah, I'm totally happy. With family, friends and yeah my new lover. But suddenly something happen. Now the story begin...

I knew him through his brother which my old contacts. Maybe my ex-boyfriend. We get to know each other in short time. He purposed me to be his girlfriend. I refused to, but doesn't mean I'm reject him. And we keeping texting and calling and act like we're a couple. Then, a few after we did that, we met up. I thought he will run away or leave me or no contact me or whatever. But he didn't. He proved me something there. Then, to be frankly I fell in love with him. Not with his sweet words or with what he had gave to me. But it came by it own self. Seriously, at a moment I feel like the world is own to me. I never felt that kind of feeling before. And I just to appreciate him by love him like he does. But my friend seems unhappy with what I've done. I'm not blaming them. Seriously! Because I know what they did just want to make sure I'm happy soon. And I think what they said was true and I need to accept the fact that he not for me. So I make a decision that I'm gonna break our relationship. I don't know when, but I wish it'll as soon as possible. And one thing I wish, I wish that the reason why I need to break-up with him is because of him. Not me.
